So, I heard today that this teen in Canada called 911 to report her parents for forcing her to go on vacation with them. As procedure, police went to her house to follow up. They found that she was fine and she had called the authorities because she was mad at her parents; she didn’t want to go with them on the family vacation.

Are you freaking kidding me? What’s she going to do next, call CPS when her parents “force” her to do her homework? She needs to get over herself!

Now that I’ve gotten that out, let’s take a step back and look at this. This girl obviously didn’t want to spend time with her family. She may have felt she wasn’t being treated fairly, or was being treated like a child, and just didn’t know what to do next. So, if it was you, what could you do besides waste police officers’ valuable time? Let’s see…

You know your parents, so determine what and how you can ask them things. You can let them know reasons you don’t want to go and then ask to stay with a relative, or have a relative come stay at home with you. If that doesn’t work, or if it would only make things worse, ask if you can have a good friend, one they know and like, go on vacation with you, which would definitely make it more fun.

Mainly, understand you’re blessed to have parents, or parent, especially those that want to spend time with you. Yes, some are jerks, or just not up to date or fun, but they’re yours. So it’s time to suck it up! Think how much a vacation costs and how important it is to them. Instead of being a downer, be easy to get along with so they will enjoy themselves. In the end you’ll probably have fun too!

cousin kendrick

A quick story: when my cousin, Kendrick, was a teen, his parents took him and his brother out of state for vacation to a medieval fair. He didn’t much like them or want to hang out with them, so they agreed to let him stay at the motel and work on his art. He did that for hours upon hours, his phone died and didn’t have his charger, and his parents weren’t back yet. No fast food places, so he went into a Denny’s and ordered a takeout meal to take back to the room in case they tried to call him. He watched tv awhile, worked on his art more, and they still weren’t back. Finally, late that night, they came back. The next day they were going back to the fair for a couple of hours, and guess who was dressed and ready to go before them. Yep, Kendrick. He had been humbled, decided his family wasn’t all that bad, and didn’t want to get stuck being bored and lonely again.

So, teen up. Don’t throw a pity party for yourself, do something positive! And for sure don’t call 911 unless you REALLY have a problem!

I’ll be seeing ya,                                                                                                                                                                                Marisal

Photos:     Untitled by  Tim Simpson  license

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