This Teen’s Big Dog May Be Around How Long?

What is a best friend? Someone who spends time with you, loves you unconditionally, someone who listens to you, and accepts you for who you are. Who can that great best friend be? One of God’s finest and most l...

Break-ups: The Painful 98%

Hey, everybody, being a teenager is a great thing, don’t you agree? You get to go to parties, hang out with friends, drive, and when you’re mature enough – date. So, why do teenagers date? Well, it’s fun to go ...

Guess What Teen’s Coming To Dinner!

Guess What Teen’s Coming To Dinner In today’s America, it seems that we don’t do nice things for each other as often as we should - especially when it comes to strangers, and it seems especially to teens. A ...

Where’s the Panic?

If someone was to say panic, what’s the first thing you think of? Maybe a friend's reaction when he discovers someone just ate the last burrito? Or maybe a crowd running away from an exploding car, or something...