Be “You,” Not Who Others Want You To Be

One of the most important questions you’ll ask yourself is, who are you, and who do you need to be? Your life will be richer and happier if you’re “you,” but who are you? You are the most wonderful person in...

Secrets and Comfort

As a teen, there are lots of things that affect you, and some of them aren’t so great. So, you may get sad, stressed, frustrated, you name it! You’re human and with that comes emotions, the good ones, and the n...

Are You Up In Smoke?

These days it seems every teenager wants to be “cool,” but in school, that appears to be reserved for the select few that play sports, cheerlead, do other activities, or have some attribute that puts you in the...

Oops! What’s in a Name?

Ever had one of those oops moments where you do something, then you look back and think "what the hell was I thinking?" Well, I announced the winning name of my puppy - wrong! Of course Rhaya let me know about ...

And The Winner Is…

We previously had a few names to choose from for my new puppy. The winner is...(drum roll) Jax! So, now he has a name other than Puppy. Thanks to all who voted and gave feedback, including a couple more suggest...