You know teen life is stressful to say the least! So, what do you do to cope?  You can turn to friends to talk and joke around with at school, and you can Facetime or Kik ’em after school. Sometimes you and a friend can sneak in a text or two during class (finger to lips shhhhh,) and pray you don’t get caught and get your phones snatched up by a teacher. But what is the No.1 one way to relieve stress? Laughter. Just as “they,” from years and years past say, “laughter is the best medicine,” it still is number one and has been scientifically proven to relieve stress!

But…when friends aren’t around what do you do? You can always turn to YouTube. Yeah, there’s tons of vlogs out there to get you going and help you unwind. I’ve been watching a lot of Liza Koshy lately. She’s crazy weird, especially when doing different characters, so you can’t help but laugh. I’m going to share Liza doing something very near and dear, a Yeah, she even makes musical.lys, one of my favorite pastimes. This is sure to at least bring you a good smile!

So, as “they” of old times say, “without further adieu,” heeere’s Liza…

Hope you had as much fun with Liza as I did.                                                                                                                        Until next time,                                                                                                                                                                                                        Rhaya


Photo Credit – Let Me Check on a Few Things First  by  Johnny Silvercloud  license

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