Hey, everybody, being a teenager is a great thing, don’t you agree? You get to go to parties, hang out with friends, drive, and when you’re mature enough – date. So, why do teenagers date? Well, it’s fun to go out to eat, or movies, or to Dave and Busters, or just talk; build a good, friendly relationship.

North Greenwich

But think of this; there are two things that will eventually happen: You will later mature and stay together as a couple, get married, settle down, have kids… – or the two of you will break up. Out of all the people that live in North America, only 2% are married to someone they dated as a teen. (yeah, I looked it up on Google.)

Okay, let’s take a look at the other 98%.

You just broke up with the love of your life. You were so happy together – you were soul mates…or so you thought. Then you get your heart ripped out.

So many feelings pop up after a break-up, especially when you’re not the one that did the breaking up.

Pensive Beauty

Some of your thoughts and feelings may be:

I feel like I just got the air knocked out of me.

I feel so hollow.

It’s the end of the world.

I’ll never love anyone else again.

I can’t live without him/her.

If you go through a breakup, of course it hurts. You might feel like you’re a loser (but you’re not a loser, and never will be!) You’ll definitely be sad – maybe for a long time. You may feel defeated, or maybe angry, or all of these and a lot more.

Or if you’re the one that broke up with someone else, it often hurts too. This is someone you cared about at one time. You may feel guilty, or like you shouldn’t have broken up. You may feel like a villain. (I don’t get to use that word very often.)

The other person may cry, or be angry with you. By text or over the phone is not the way to do it. Be sensitive to the other person’s feelings. Never, ever, ever break up to purposely hurt someone.

These feelings are yours and they’re very real. No one can just come out and tell you not to feel them; you’re human, we all feel. And, this is a very painful, stressful thing that just happened.

viewing networks

So, what do you do?

You may have understanding parents – talk to one or both of them and express your feelings and thoughts. If you don’t feel you can talk to them, talk to your school counselor.

Sometimes it’s good to talk to friends – they can bring you comfort. But just watch out for the advice they give you; it may be good, or it may not be the best. Take a step back to think about the advice they’ve given.

The first thing to do is know that you are worth so much more than you can imagine. A lot of people, especially teenagers, feel like it’s the end of the world and decide to hurt themselves or even commit suicide. No matter how horrible you feel, Do Not Hurt Yourself In Any Way. It will get better with time.

Millie V. QS2

And Please – Don’t Stalk your Ex or your Ex’s new boyfriend/girlfriend. Don’t stoop to that level. Don’t hurt anyone else out of anger. It doesn’t help you or your situation – It will hurt You and Others.

And yes, one day you’ll find the right person to love, and the right person to love you back. Don’t try to rush it, especially while you’re a teenager.

Be sure and leave comments, maybe how you got through a breakup, or other post subjects.

I’ll be seeing ya,




Photos:  Mel and Harry by Avacadogirlfriend ;  Happy Couples Candid by Gareth WilliamsPensive Beauty by Gareth Williams ;  Seeing Networks by Alan Levine ;  Millie V QS2 by Paul De Los Reyes

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