Only the Lonely

At times you’re in your room, taking a walk, sitting in class. Or maybe you’re in a group of friends. But you sense something is wrong. There’s some sort of sadness going on, something you just can’t put your f...

Listen To What You Feel

We all come across times in our lives that aren’t as good as others. Maybe we feel left out, hurt, alone, frustrated. It helps to listen to your feelings, write them down, even if you throw away the pages later...

Be “You,” Not Who Others Want You To Be

One of the most important questions you’ll ask yourself is, who are you, and who do you need to be? Your life will be richer and happier if you’re “you,” but who are you? You are the most wonderful person in...

Feeling Down…I Need A Lift

We all get down on ourselves at certain times in our lives. Maybe you beat yourself up over mistakes you’ve made, or the goals you haven’t accomplished, haven’t started, or just don’t feel good about yourself. ...